Tuesday, July 19, 2011

World Population expected to exceed 7 Billion in October

This October, the world’s population is expected to exceed 7 billion people. Monday July 11, 2011 was World Population Day, a moment to reflect on both the challenges and opportunities that we face as the world’s population continues to grow rapidly. This milestone is of particular importance to women in the developing world. Currently more than 215 million women desire – but lack access to quality reproductive health services. Women are critical to reducing poverty, boosting economic growth, promoting environmental sustainability, and raising healthy and well-educated children all steps that are imperative to confronting a range of critical foreign policy challenges. The UN says addressing the unmet need for voluntary reproductive health services is one of the keys to empowering women, and creating a safer, healthier, and more sustainable world for us all.
I talked to Tamara Kreinin, executive director of Women and Population at the UN Foundation, about the quality reproductive health services.

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