Thursday, April 14, 2011

Uganda's Opposition Leader Shot

Ugandan opposition leader Kizza Besigye has been shot after the military police opened fire to disperse protesters in the capital, Kampala.
Ugandan police fired teargas to disperse a crowd that gathered after an opposition leader was prevented from taking part in a second round of protests over rising fuel and food prices on Thursday (April 14).
Opposition leader Kizza Besigye, President Yoweri Museveni's closest rival in February elections, was stopped by military police from taking part in the protest. Teargas was fired to disperse a crowd that formed a ring around him in a Kampala suburb as police tried to arrest him.

Police had already detained Besigye on Monday (April 11) as he prepared to join another protest over rising food and fuel prices.
After a few hours of cat-and-mouse chases with protesters, police stopped firing teargas and three of their vehicles escorted a crowd of more than 1,000 towards the city centre, with Besigye in the middle.
But the protesters were then dispersed by military police, firing live bullets.
Prices have been rising in the east African country after drought hurt food production in many parts of Uganda and higher fuel prices have increased transport costs, pushing up food prices further in urban areas.
After Monday's attempted protest, Besigye was charged with inciting unrest and released on bail.
More updates coming!

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